Installing Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a Network Server This read me file provides information about installing and using Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a network. It contains the following sections: Overview of network directories and user access rights Understanding NODE.EXE Understanding LICENSER.EXE Installing Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a network server Installing Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a workstation Installing Adobe Type Manager on a network Using Ami Pro on specific networks Solving problems Overview of Network Directories and User Access Rights For Upgraders If you have a prior release of Ami Pro on this server, you should install over it. You do not need to delete any files before you start the installation, nor does the Install program delete any files. However, you must have read-write access to the AMIPRO directory and its subdirectories. You must also have read-write access to the following Windows files. WINHELP.EXE WINHELP.HLP When prompted, choose either Complete Ami Pro Install or Custom Ami Pro Install and specify the same drive and directory as the prior release. The Install program copies the program files to the drive and directory you specify, and prompts you to specify where you want to install style sheets, documents, and macros. Once you install Ami Pro Release 3.0, you will no longer be able to run the previous release. To specify network directories and user access rights As supervisor, you must decide where you want to install Ami Pro and where you want to store node-related and licenser files. During the installation, you must specify an AMIPRO directory, a NODE directory, and a LOTSHARE directory (license directory). The AMIPRO directory should be a read-only directory that is at least one directory off the root directory of a network drive. For example, if drive H is the root directory of a network drive, the application directory might be H:\AMIPRO. The Ami Pro Install program automatically creates several subdirectories under the AMIPRO directory: DOCS, STYLES, MACROS, DRAWSYM, ICONS. It prompts you for a NODE directory. The NODE directory should be a subdirectory under the AMIPRO directory. You must assign additional access rights to the subdirectories under the AMIPRO directory if users need to write to them. For example, all users must have read, write, create, delete, and attribute rights to the DOCS directory if it contains documents they need to edit. The license directory should be named LOTSHARE\AMIPRO.V30 and it should be at least one directory off the root directory of a network drive. All users should have maximum access rights to the LOTSHARE directory. If you have other Lotus applications on your network and a LOTSHARE directory already exists, the Ami Pro Install program will find it. Understanding NODE.EXE NODE.EXE is a node setup program that sets up the server so you can automate the process for setting up user nodes. When you install the user node, NODE.EXE copies Ami Pro-related node and initialization files (.INI files) and several Windows system files to a user's local WINDOWS directory. It may also copy macro, document, and style sheet files to a user's hard drive. When you run NODE.EXE the first time (usually as part of the server installation), you must specify four options: A LOTSHARE directory for the licenser utility The number of Ami Pro concurrent users Whether users can have local copies of macro, document, and style sheet files Network paths for macro, document, and style sheet directories After you specify these options, NODE.EXE creates a text file named NETADMIN.INI in the AMIPRO directory on the server. This file contains information about whether or not users can have local copies of macro, document, and style sheet files. It also contains the network locations of Ami Pro style sheets, documents, and macros. The NETADMIN.INI file contains the following information: [AmiPro] localdirs=[True/False] macrodir=[network drive:\directory to macros] docpath=[network drive:\directory to documents] stypath=[network drive:directory to style sheets] You must add information to the NETADMIN.INI file before you set up any user nodes if both of the following conditions are true: You are allowing users to have local copies of macro, document, and style sheet files. The AMIPRO directory for any user is mapped to a different network drive than the drive used by the administrator. You can use Notepad to add the following information to the NETADMIN.INI file. Type the information exactly as it appears. [AmiPro] localdirs=TRUE macrodir=\MACROS docpath=\DOCS stypath=\STYLES If NETADMIN.INI is not found in the AMIPRO directory, NODE.EXE assumes it is running for the first time. After you run NODE.EXE one time, you can use it to set up user nodes. If you granted permission for users to have local copies of macro, document, and style sheet files during the server installation, NODE.EXE copies the contents of the network directories to local directories when it is run at the workstation. This includes all files added since the server installation. Understanding LICENSER.EXE LICENSER.EXE is a licenser utility that is included with all network versions of Lotus Windows products. You can use it to specify the number of Ami Pro concurrent users. The Ami Pro Install program looks for a LOTSHARE directory off the root directory of a network drive. If the Install program finds LOTSHARE, it prompts you to create an AMIPRO.V30 subdirectory. If it does not find LOTSHARE, it prompts you to create both the LOTSHARE and AMIPRO.V30 directories. The Install program copies LICENSER.EXE and LICENSER.HLP to the LOTSHARE directory. You can run LICENSER.EXE at any time to reset the number of Ami Pro concurrent users. Installing Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a Network Server LAN Manager and Artisoft LANtastic networks require DOS SHARE.EXE for file locking support. If you have one of these networks and receive a network related error message while installing Ami Pro and you want more information, refer to "To optimize LAN Manager Networks" or "To optimize Artisoft LANtastic 4.x" in this file. Follow these steps to install Ami Pro release 3.0 on a network server. 1. Log in to the network server as the supervisor. 2. Create a network drive, common to all users, where you can install Ami Pro. 3. Insert Install Disk 1 in the desired drive. 4. Start Windows and open the Program Manager. 5. Choose File/Run. 6. Type {drive id}:\INSTALL and then choose OK. 7. In the Main Menu dialog box, choose Install Ami Pro on server. 8. In the Install Choices dialog box, choose Complete Ami Pro Install. 9. In the Windows or NewWave Installation dialog box, choose the desired command button. 10. In the Specifying the Program Directory dialog box, specify the complete path to the directory where you want to install Ami Pro and then choose OK. 11. In the Specifying a Node Directory dialog box, specify the complete path to the directory where you want to install node-related files and then choose OK. The Install program displays AMIPRO\NODE as the default directory. You will need to remember the location of the NODE directory when you set up the user nodes. 12. In the WordPerfect SwitchKit Installation dialog box, choose the desired command button. 13. In the Completing the Network Server Installation dialog box, choose OK. 14. In the first Ami Pro Node Setup dialog box, choose OK. 15. Specify the network drive and directory for the licenser utility and then choose OK. If you previously installed other Lotus network products on the server, the Install program displays the path to the current LOTSHARE directory. You should accept that path. If Ami Pro is the first Lotus network product you are installing, specify LOTSHARE\AMIPRO.V30 on the desired network drive. For more information about Licenser, refer to "Understanding LICENSER.EXE" in this file. 16. In the Licenser dialog box, set the number of Ami Pro concurrent users and then choose Exit. For information, choose the Help command button in the Licenser dialog box. 17. In the next Ami Pro Node Setup dialog box, specify whether local directories for Ami Pro macros, documents, and style sheets are permissible by choosing the desired command button. If you want user nodes to be able to run the WordPerfect SwitchKit, choose Yes. 18. In the Specifying Network Directories dialog box, specify the network drives and directories where you installed the Ami Pro macros, documents, and style sheets and then choose OK. 19. In the Specifying Local Directories dialog box, specify the drives and directories for the network supervisor's macros, documents, style sheets, and user dictionary and then choose OK. For the user dictionary, you can specify either a directory on the workstation's hard drive or a directory on the network. For example, you could specify C:\AMIPRO or C:\WINDOWS, or you could specify F:\USER\USERNAME. If you want to run the WordPerfect SwitchKit, specify either a directory on the workstation's hard drive or your user directory on the network for the macros and style sheets. The macro, document, and style sheet directories are dimmed if you specified that local directories were not allowed. 20. Choose OK to exit the Ami Pro Node Setup program. You can now set up each user node by running the NODE.EXE program from each workstation. To make sure the QuickStart Tutorial runs and the WordPerfect SwitchKit Loading Options dialog box displays the first time Ami Pro is loaded on a workstation, you should set up the user nodes before you load Ami Pro from the network. If you do not, users can access the tutorial by choosing Help/QuickStart Tutorial after they load Ami Pro, and they can add For WordPerfect Users to the Help menu by running the SWITCH.SMM macro. Installing Ami Pro Release 3.0 on a Workstation You can use the NODE.EXE file (located in the NODE directory you specified during the network server installation) to automate the process of setting up user nodes. To set up a user node 1. Run the NODE.EXE program from a workstation that needs to run Ami Pro from the network. For information about NODE.EXE, refer to "Understanding NODE.EXE" in this file. 2. Specify the name of the user you are installing and then choose OK. 3. Specify the network drive and directory where Ami Pro is installed and then choose OK. 4. Specify the drives and directories for the user's macros, documents, style sheets, and user dictionary and then choose OK. For the user dictionary, you can specify either a directory on the workstation's hard drive or a directory on the network. For example, you could specify C:\AMIPRO or C:\WINDOWS, or you could specify F:\USER\USERNAME. If you want the user to be able to run the WordPerfect SwitchKit, specify a directory on the workstation's hard drive or the user's directory on the network for the macros and style sheets. Macro, document, and style sheet directories are dimmed if the network supervisor specified that local directories were not allowed. 5. Choose OK to exit the Ami Pro Node Setup program. If the QuickStart Tutorial does not display the first time a user loads Ami Pro, the user can access the tutorial by choosing Help/QuickStart Tutorial. If the WordPerfect SwitchKit Loading Options dialog box does not display the first time a user loads Ami Pro, the user can add For WordPerfect Users to the Help menu by running the SWITCH.SMM macro. Installing Adobe Type Manager on a Network We recommend that users run Adobe Type Manager from either a directory on their workstation's hard drive or their user directory on the network. To run individual sessions of ATM, you should copy all the files and subdirectories on the ATM Program Disk to a network drive, and then install the files for each user. To install Adobe Type Manager for each user 1. Create the following directories on the server. ATM ATM\PCLFONTS ATM\PSFONTS 2. Place the ATM Program Disk in the appropriate floppy drive. 3. Copy all the files in the root directory on the ATM disk to the ATM directory on the server. 4. Copy all the files in the subdirectories on the ATM disk to the matching subdirectories on the server. 5. From a workstation that needs to run Adobe Type Manager, run the ATM Install program on the server. 6. Specify either a directory on the workstation's hard drive or the user's directory on the network for the font directories and then choose Install. Using Ami Pro on Specific Networks You can run Ami Pro using several network environments. Use the following hints to optimize the installation and performance of Ami Pro on the indicated networks. To optimize Novell NetWare 286 v2.15, v2.2, v3.x Novell NetWare uses a workstation configuration file, named either SHELL.CFG or NET.CFG. You should edit it in Notepad so that it contains the following information: file handles = 60 show dots = on To optimize LAN Manager Networks Microsoft LAN Manager networks include the following networks: Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x IBM LAN Server 1.3 IBM PC-LAN 1.3XS Ungermann-Bass Net/One DEC Pathworks 4.x AT&T StarGroup LAN Manager 3.4 3COM 3+Share 1.6, 3+Open LAN Manager 2.0 Other MS-NET based networks Most of these networks require DOS SHARE.EXE for file-locking support. If files that need to be updated are in use when you install Ami Pro, SHARE.EXE may cause a sharing violation. If you receive an error message, choose OK several times to continue the installation. You must verify sharenames for directories where full access rights are required, including the Change Attribute access right. To optimize Artisoft LANtastic 4.x This network requires DOS SHARE.EXE for file-locking support. If files that need to be updated are in use when you install Ami Pro, SHARE.EXE may cause a sharing violation. If you receive an error message, choose OK several times to continue the installation. Server Installations to Drive C are not supported, even if other workstations view the server hard drive as Drive C. To optimize Banyan Vines 4.x Upgrade to 4.11(5) or higher for full Windows 3.1 support. Use the /D:INFINITE parameter on the SETPRINT command to eliminate time-outs when you print complex documents. Solving Problems Refer to the following for common problems and their resolutions. Saved files become read-only on entry Verify that the network directory has a Change Attribute access right assigned. "Licenser error: No Licenses found" when you load Ami Pro Make sure the LOTSHARE directory is off the root of a network drive and that all users have full access rights. Spell Checker, Grammar Checker, and/or Thesaurus are not on the Tools menu, or produce error messages when they are used The LOTUS.INI file in the user's WINDOWS directory does not accurately reflect the paths to the different program modules. These paths are usually the same as the network Ami Pro path. Crash on printing, or cannot write to port LPTx: Verify that the TEMP statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file equals an empty directory where print files can be stored. Verify that there is enough space on the drive where the TEMP directory is located to store the print files.